Creating a Better Future For You

The Eswatini Property Developers and Allied Workers Union (EPDAWU) aims to advance and defend the interest of workers in respect of all matters of mutual interest between workers and their employers.

EPDAWU is an affiliate of FESWATU. We intend TO represent workers in fixed and indefinite contracts of employment in all categories of work under construction or property developers.

EPDAWU Establishment

This Union was established in November 2014 and attained certification from the Ministry of Labour and social security on the 26th June 2015.


We are going to enhance the economy of Eswatini through hard work and through friendly, enjoyable and healthy relationships between employer and employee. We will also provide employment for our people and stability for our business, our government and our King, Ingwenyama.


We are working towards creating better employment opportunities in Eswatini so that the free market forces of strong demand replace strike action driving wage increase and enable our people who have been forced to seek employment outside Eswatini to return home to be with their families and serve their country.


As a Union we aim to advance and defend the interest of workers in respect of all matters of mutual interest between workers and their employers. We also aim to secure fair terms and conditions of employment and enforce fair labour practices.

Contact Us

Feel free top get in touch with us. We are always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be part of your visions.

Mail me

Call us
+268 7611 2580
+268 7623 5598
+268 7655 4583

+268 7814 0559

Trainings: Grievance & Discipline Handling

On the 15th to 17th September 2016, the Human resources department held a three day workshop facilitated by the Federation of Swaziland Employers and Chamber of Commerce (FSE&CC).

Participants of the workshop, included Supervisors and Union Representatives. The primary objective of the workshop was to emphasise the importance of handling grievances appropiately. The training equiped participants with the essential skills of handling grievances and descipline in the workplace as well as conducting fair appeal hearings.

The workshop was presented by Mr. Sipho Nyoni (Commisioner: Hhohho region) from CMAC.

Some of EPDAWU members posing for agroup photo during Boleswana games.

FESWATU affiliates attending a meeting in preparation for May day.

ILO Director and the National Executive of FESWATU posing for a group photo after a meeting.

Some of EPDAWU members posing for a group photo at the maintainance office.


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